Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The First

After quite a bit of thought, I decided that I needed a more professional blog for people (and by people I mean friends and hopefully one day, fans) to follow. Unlike my emotional rantings and random outpourings on facebook, this blog will focus solely on my work as a writer and any news that comes with it.

Also, because this is the first time I set up a blog like this, feel free to offer up input, advice, or commentary on how I might improve this blog.

Writing News
I will be submitting my short story "Teller"  to the upcoming issue of Cellar Door. The guys over there are amazing! I know a few of them personally but the entire crew does an amazing job. They deserve a lot of love and support for the work they do. I have a link to their web page in that tab.

"Teller" is a sequel, if you will, of "Burdened". The two of them are part of a larger idea that I have that will be revealed much later. Teller is the story of a  boy with an extraordinary gift. However, his society doesn't know how to handle his gift and so he attempts to hide it. In doing so, he only makes his situation worse. "Teller" is a dark coming of age story compared to "Burdened's" depressing tale of loneliness.

 Check it out!!!


  1. Dude, I am so glad that you are officially out here in the blogosphere! I've always liked your Notes on Facebook, but a platform like this really takes the deep-thought-having to a whole new level.

    Thing 1: grats you on submission - way to get your stuff out there!

    Thing 2: I'm still new at the blog thing myself, but I found these pages useful for getting started:

    Thing 3: definitely don't feel like you're writing in some exquisite moleskine journal here - I'm finding "profound" and "important" way less useful than "here's something that I'm excited/interested/passionate about, what do you guys think?"

    Anyway, best of luck, sir - MUCH looking forward to savoring your brain-juices in a fresh new format!

  2. Thanks! I'll check out the links tomorrow.
