About Chris

Chris was born in Texas under the roof of a caring family that nurtured his love of reading and writing. His mother and father often read to him as a child before bed. His grandparents fueled his thirst for knowledge and his love of literature. The craft was given to him by his great-grandmother, poet, Florence Meyers McMahon. That is how it all began.

Chris started writing at a young age, focusing primarily on poetry. For many years, this was a simple way for him to express himself. The talent was raw and wild, it lacked precision and grace. However, at the age of eleven, Chris' first poem was published in an anthology.

His high school career focused primarily on computer work: networking, animation, office programs. However, it was English where he excelled. Out of high school Chris went directly to community college where he studied a variety of writing; from technical writing to creative writing and even journalism. While in college he published two other poems in the award winning winning college anthology Marine Creek Reflections.

At the age of twenty-one Chris left Texas and moved to Colorado to pursue his dreams and career. Taking time away from college and expanding his real world experience, Chris soon learned that dreams are not handed to you and you must push to reach your goals. He returned to college, attending Metropolitan State University in Denver. Over the next five years he worked full time and studied endlessly. Chris followed the path of an English degree with a focus in writing and a minor in philosophy.

While in school, Chris joined Sigma Tau Delta (the International English Honors Society) and served as an officer. He also won a writing contest with his essay "Superman: The Tarnished Idol" and presented the same essay at a conference in Pittsburgh. He also published a short story "Burdened" in the anthology Cellar Door: Unraveling

Chris continues to write and is working on a several poems, stories, and novels.